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What's Fallacious With Proxy Sites

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작성자 Karol Graves 작성일24-02-23 12:59 조회49회 댓글0건


"proxy" is a term used to describe a server "proxy" refers to a proxy often known as a proxy server is software that functions in the role of intermediary between a server and client via the internet. Without proxy, a user can send a request for an item directly to a server and the server would then serve the requested resource directly to the user. While this is a simple method to understand and implement, adding proxies provides benefits such as increased performance as well as security and privacy and so on. As a pass-through layer, the proxy acts as a security layer to the internet between users and servers.


It is generally accepted that the system of server hardware coupled with the software for proxy installation is often referred to as proxy servers. This article will focus on proxy servers which are typically classified as software, specifically in relation to web servers. We will provide a brief overview of the two primary types of proxies, which is forward proxy and reverse proxy. forward proxy and reverse proxy. reverse proxy. Each type has its own usage scenario, which is often misinterpreted due to the common terminology.

This article will provide you with an idea of the what proxies as well as their subtypes and ways they can be useful in various configurations. If you read this article you'll discover situations where the use of proxies is advantageous, and determine the best choice between reverse proxy and forward proxy for a particular scenario.

Understanding Forward Proxies

The forward proxy also referred to as an open proxy serves as the representative of the client who is trying to relay requests via the internet to a source server. In this case every attempt to send a request by the user will be made through an forward proxy. The forward proxy, in place of the client examines the request. Then, it will decide whether or not the client is able to send requests via this specific forward proxy. It will then either reject an request and transfer it on to the server that originated the request. The client is unable to have direct connection to the internet. It can only connect to the internet that the forward proxy permits it to connect to.

The primary reason for people to utilize forward proxy servers is to gain greater privacy or security while using the internet. Forward proxy allows you to connect to the internet rather than a client, and in this way, it utilizes an alternative IP address to the IP address that was originally used by the client.

Depending on how it's been configured, and how it is configured, forward proxy may offer a range of functions, allowing users to:

  • Beware of ad-tracker.

  • Circumvent surveillance.

  • You can determine restrictions based on your geographical location.

Forward proxies can also be used for security systems which are centralized and accessible is based on permissions, such as at work. In the event that all internet traffic goes through an open forward proxy layer an administrator could limit access for only a select group of users to the internet, which is filtered by an common firewall. Instead of establishing firewalls for the client layer, which could be used by a number of computers that have different settings and types of users, it is possible to set up a firewall located at the front proxy layer.

Be aware that forward proxy servers require manual configuration for use before they can be used, while reverse proxy servers can remain unnoticed by clients. Based on the fact that an IP address belonging to a user is relayed to an server that originated it through the forward proxy, privacy and anonymity are granted or not.

There are numerous possibilities to think about when it comes to forward proxy services.

  • Apache A well-known, open-source web server that comes with forward proxy capability.

  • Nginx: Another widely used open-source webserver that includes forward proxy capabilities.

  • Squid is a free forward proxy that uses an HTTP protocol. It's not part of the whole web server. Learn more about how to set up Squid proxy to allow private connections on Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Dante Forward proxy that utilizes the SOCKS protocol instead of HTTP which allows it to be more suitable for situations such as peer-to -peer traffic. You may also want to know how to set up Dante proxy to allow private connections on Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

A reverse proxy functions as an agent for a server on the internet, that handles customer requests on its behalf. This server can represent a single, or multiple servers. It could also represent an application server, such as Gunicorn. In any case it is possible to send a request via the internet in general. The request is typically sent directly to the web server that hosts the resources the client is in need of. A reverse proxy is a intermediary and isolates this webserver from all direct interactions with the public internet.

From the viewpoint from the client's perspective the procedure of using reverse proxy isn't any different than working with the server by itself. It's exactly the same however the client cannot see the difference. Client makes a request for the resource and is then provided with it, without additional configuration required from the user.

Reverse proxies provide features like:

  • The web server is protected centrally.

  • Traffic coming into your site is routed based upon rules you set.

  • A new feature to cache has been added.

While central security is a benefit offered by both reverse and forward proxy servers, reverse proxies offer this benefit only to the server layer but it is not available to the client layer. instead of the maintenance of firewalls at the server level that could include multiple servers, each with various configurations, the bulk of firewall security is centered at the reverse proxy level. Additionally, removing the responsibility of communicating with firewalls and connecting to client requests off web servers allows firewalls to focus on serving the requirements of their clients.

In the event that there's multiple servers hosted within a reverse proxy this reverse proxy will be accountable for the way requests are routed through the server that is hosting them. Many web servers may be providing the exact identical service, providing different kinds of resources, or a combination of the two. They may employ the HTTP protocol to function as a standard web server, however they can also use applications server protocols like FastCGI. It is also possible to set up a reverse proxy to direct users to specific servers depending on the resource requested or to follow specific rules regarding traffic load.

Reverse proxies also gain by their positioning in front of web servers, by providing the ability to cache. Large static assets can be set with caching rules in order to avoid hitting web servers with every request. There are solutions allowing you to serve directly static assets without connecting directly to web servers in any form. Furthermore, the reverse proxy is able to compress these assets.

The well-known Nginx web server functions as an effective reverse proxy service. Although Apache is also a reverse proxy service, the Apache web server is also equipped with a reverse proxy functionality that is an additional feature that is available for Apache however Nginx was designed originally to specifically focus on reverse proxy capabilities.

The difference between Forward Proxy and Reverse Proxy Use Cases

Because "forward" and "reverse" are associated with the notion of directionality, and false distinctions between "incoming" and "outgoing" traffic These labels could be confusing since both types of proxies deal with the processing of requests and replies. The best way to distinguish between forward and reverse proxy is to look at the requirements of the program you're creating.

A reverse proxy can be helpful when you're developing a method to connect web applications to the internet. They are your web servers when you connect to the internet.

Forward proxy is useful when used in front of customers for your personal use or in an environment that is professional. They act as your client's proxy for interactions on the internet.

Differentiating by case of use instead of focusing on common naming conventions can help you avoid confusion.


This article explains what a proxy is and provides two types: the forward proxy and the reverse proxy. Examples of how to use it as well as a look at the advantageous features were used to differentiate forward proxies from reverse proxies. If you're keen to learn more about proxy servers, you should read our guide on how to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy by using Apache on one Ubuntu 20.04 server.

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