Why My Proxy Sites Is Better Than Yours > 공지사항

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Why My Proxy Sites Is Better Than Yours

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작성자 Charley 작성일24-02-23 04:19 조회46회 댓글0건


It is a proxy commonly known as a proxy server is software that acts as an intermediary between client and server on the web. Without the use of proxy servers, users could send a request for a resource directly to the server and it would deliver direct to users. It's not hard to understand and implement the use of proxy servers can offer advantages such as improved performance as well as privacy, security and many more. In addition to providing a layer of security, proxies are a way to secure the internet between clients and servers.

The general collection of server hardware along with the software to install proxy servers is usually referred to in the context of proxy servers. This article will focus on proxies commonly referred to as software and in the context of web servers. The article will offer details of the two major types of proxies, which comprise a forward proxy and reverse proxy. reverse proxy. Each has a distinct use case, often confused due to the overlapping name convention.

This article will give you an idea of the nature of proxies and subtypes, and how they work in the typical setups. In this article, you'll learn how to identify the circumstances that using proxy servers is beneficial, and select the right option, based on reverse and forward proxy, for each situation.

Understanding Forward Proxies

In the same way, a forward proxy sometimes called an open proxy is a representative of a customer who wants to send requests through online to the originating server. In this case any attempts to send requests made by the client will instead be forwarded via the forward proxy. In this situation the forward proxy that is in place that of the user will review the request. First, it must check if the client is authorized to receive requests from this specific forward proxy. The client will either decline any request or forward it to the original server. The client doesn't have a direct connection to the internet It can only connect to what the forward proxy allows it access to.

The most common reason to utilize forward proxy servers is to gain greater privacy or security on the internet. A forward proxy uses the internet in place of a client and in that process it can use an alternate IP address from that of the client's initial IP address.

Depending on how it's setup, and how it's set up, forward proxy may offer a range of features as well as the capability to:

  • Beware of ad-tracker.

  • Circumvent surveillance.

  • Find restrictions based on your geographic area.

Forward proxies are also employed in systems that offer central security and access based on permissions such as in the workplace. If all traffic on the internet flows via an open forward proxy, administrators could allow access only to specific users to the internet filtered through the common firewall. Instead of putting firewalls in place for the client layer, which may contain multiple devices with different settings and users and environments, a firewall may be installed at this forward proxy layer.

Note that forward proxy server have to be manually set up to use before they can be used, while reverse proxy servers can be not recognized by clients. Depending on whether an IP address from the user is transferred to the server of origin via the forward proxy, privacy and anonymity could be granted or made transparent.

There are many options to consider options for forward proxy options

  • Apache The Apache is a popular open-source webserver that provides forward proxy functionality.

  • Nginx: Another renowned open-source webserver that includes forward proxy capability.

  • Squid is a free forward proxy based on the HTTP protocol. This doesn't offer the entire web server. Check out our article on the best method to set up Squid proxy to allow private connections within Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Dante Forward proxy that makes use of the SOCKS protocol instead of HTTP, which makes it better to handle situations like peer-to-peer traffic. You might also want to learn how to setup the Dante proxy to connect privately using Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

A reverse proxy functions as an agent for a web server, handling any requests that come in from customers on its behalf. The web server could comprise a single server, or even multiple servers. Additionally, it can be used for application servers like Gunicorn. In any case, the request can come from a customer via the web in general. Normally, this request will be sent directly to the website server with the resources that the user is in need of. A reverse proxy acts as an intermediary to isolate your server from interaction with the open internet.

From a client's perspective the experience of interacting with reverse proxy is not different from interacting with your webserver directly. It's functionally identical and users can't tell the difference. Client requests resources and is then able to receive it without any additional configuration required or input from the end user.

Reverse proxies provide features such as:

  • Security centralized to web server.

  • The sending of traffic according to the rules you make.

  • New caching functionality has been added.

While centralized security is a benefit for both reverse and forward proxy systems, reverse proxy offers this service to only the server layer, and not to the layer that clients use. instead of maintaining firewalls on the web server layer, which may contain several servers with various configurations, the bulk of firewall security may be focused in the reverse proxy layer. Additionally, getting rid of the burden of interfacing with a firewall as well as interacting with client requests far from web servers allows them to focus solely on serving the needs of their customers.

In the event of multiple servers running in a reverse proxy, the reverse proxy is also accountable to control which requests are placed on which server. There could be multiple web servers providing the exact same service, but serving different types of resources or a mix of both. They can utilize the HTTP protocol like a traditional web server, but they can also be outfitted with application server protocols such as FastCGI. A reverse proxy to send clients to specific servers based on the kind of resource they are seeking, or to follow specific rules regarding traffic load.

Reverse proxies can benefit from their location on top of web servers, by providing the possibility of storing data. Large static files can be set up using caching rules to prevent hitting web servers on each request. Some applications allow users to serve static content directly without touching the server. Furthermore reverse proxy has the capability of compressing these files.

The popular Nginx web server is an effective reverse proxy service. It is real that Apache web server is also equipped with a reverse proxy, however, it's a separate attribute of Apache however Nginx was initially designed to and is focused on reverse proxy functions.

Distinguishing Forward Proxy From Proxy Use. Differentiating Forward and Reverse Proxy Utilization

Because "forward" as well as "reverse" have connotations of directionality, and can lead to misleading comparisons with "incoming" as well as "outgoing" traffic These labels can be confusing because both types of proxies are capable of handling requests as well as responses. Instead, a better way to distinguish between reverse proxy or forward proxies is to study the requirements of the app that you are developing.

Reverse proxy is an important feature when designing a solution that allows web-based applications on the internet. They act as your servers whenever you connect to the internet.


Forward proxy can be useful when it is placed in front of users for personal usage, or even in a commercial environment. They represent your clients when you are on the internet.

The use case-based distinction instead of focusing only on naming conventions that are similar can prevent confusion.


The article explained what a proxy is and the two kinds of them, namely the forward and reverse proxy. Application scenarios that can be used in practical situations as well as an analysis of the most useful features were utilized to differentiate between reverse and forward proxies. If you're keen to learn more about the benefits of proxies then you should read our guide on how to set up Nginx as an internet server and reverse proxy to Apache on an Ubuntu 20.04 server.

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