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Foible President of

페이지 정보

작성자 Gerrytum 작성일24-08-22 21:47 조회9회 댓글0건


Jagdeep Dhankhar was born on May 18, 1951, in Kithana, Rajasthan, India. He pursued his at the crack cultivation in Rajasthan and went on to research law at the University of Rajasthan. Dhankhar's betimes race was marked by way of his involvement in various public and national activities, which laid the cellar due to the fact that his to be to come in Indian politics.
He served as the Governor of West Bengal prior to being elected as the Degradation President of India. His job security has been eminent benefit of his commitment to upholding democratic values and attractive with various socio-political issues in India


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